ESIC Hospital, Bharat Nagar Chowk, Ludhiana
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Department of Biochemistry s working under the supervision of a senior medical officer (CMO-NFSG).

Services Provided

All routine as well as many specialized biochemical lab tests are being performed in the lab with a sample load of approx. 200 /day.

Lab is equipped with two fully automated biochemistry analyzers & an ABG analyzer. Biochemical tests like glucose, RFT, LFT, Lipid profile, electrolytes etc are available in lab 24*7.

Specialized biochemical tests like HbA1c, CRP, LDH, Amylase, lipase, ABG analysis are also being routinely performed in biochemistry lab.


To add an immunoassay analyzer to department so that specialized investigations like tumor markers, hormones etc can also be done in-house.

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-06-13



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