ESIC Hospital, Bharat Nagar Chowk, Ludhiana


Department’s details:- ENT department

No. of doctors:- Dr. Rachhpal Singh– Incharge of HOD (Deptt. of ENT)

Medical Officer:- Dr. Amanjeet Singh – IMO Grade-II

Senior Resident:- Dr. Peeyush Verma, 

Dr Hardeep Kaur

Audiometeric Technician:- Mr. Rajkumar

Services provided:- 

Facilities Available:- All major & minor ENT surgeries are done in the department. Routine IPD & OPD patients are managed with state of art diagnostic and therapeutic facilites. Screening for head & neck cancer is also done. 

Minor OT procedure carried out on OPD days.

  • Direct laryngoscopy

  • Diagnostic nasal endoscopy

  • EUM (examination under microscope)

  • Management of epistaxis

  • Foreign body removal

  • Incision and drainage of minor abscesses

  • Biopsy for HPE from Oral cavity, oropharynx etc.


Major OT procedure available :-

  Tymponoplasty,  mastoid exploration, endoscopic tympanoplasty, stapedotomy ,gromet insertion etc.

  • Micro laryngeal surgery, adenoid and tonsils resection surgeries.

  • FESS, CSF rhinorrhoea repair

  • Endoscopic DCR & other major surgeries

  • Parotidectomy, submandibular gland excision, Thyroidectomy, etc

  1. Pure tone audiometery

  2. Impedance/ Tympanometery are available.

Future Plan:-

  1. Head and neck cancer surgeries will be started soon


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-06-25



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